To the people in the Bay Area (ENGLISH is below)
ゲストお話会 with 冨田貴史さん
「つながるすべてのいのちのために ~日本の今と私たちができること~」
衆議院選後のこれからの日本。とっても気になっている人もいるか と思います。
福島原発事故後の今の福島や日本の現状はどうなっているんだろう ?太平洋のこっち側にいる私たちには何ができるんだろう?
日本で原発事故後、 味噌作りや染めのワークショップを通じて全国を回りながらコミュ ニティのつながりをつくり、 希望へのアクションを生み出す場を作って来た冨田貴史さんを迎え て、 彼の実践を通じた経験や感じてきたこと、そして外からは見えにく い今の日本の現状をお話いただきたいと思います。また、嘆きを希 望に変えるアクティブホープのワークショップを通じて、私たちの 悲しみと嘆きにちゃんとつながり、コミュニティとしてアメリカに いる私たちにできることをみんなで一緒に考える時間を作りたいと 思います。
「自分が実際に、保養の現場や避難者たちとの交流から受け取って いる生の声とそれを受けて自分が感じていることを通じて、福島第 一原発事故後の今の日本の現状をベイエリアと共有したいと思いま す。また、このような状況を踏まえた実践としての保養活動、放射 能対策の取り組みや、コミュニティづくりの活動の今についてお話 しながら、ワークショップやダイアログを通じて参加されるひとり ひとりの思いの共有の時間を作れたらと思います。」
冨田貴史 (Takafumi Tomita) ホームページ
大阪中津にて養生のための衣食(茜染め、麻褌、味噌、鉄火味噌な ど)を自給する冨貴工房を営む。ソニーミュージック~専門学校講 師を経て、全国各地で年間300 本以上のイベント・ワークショップを続けている。ワークショップ のテーマは暦、養生、手仕事など。疎開保養「海旅Camp」主 催団体「21st century ship 海旅団」代表代行。『原発事故子ども・被災者支援法』を活かす市 民ネットワーク代表。著書「わたしにつながるいのちのために」( 2006年/自主出版) 「春夏秋冬 土用で過ごす」(2016年/主婦と生活社・共著)など
日時: 11月4日(土曜日) 10時~14時
場所:バークレー個人宅(申し込みをいただいた方に後ほどお知ら せします)
9:30 開場
10:00 ~ 12:30
12:30 ~ 13:30
13:30 ~ 14:00
14:00 終了
講師の冨田さん+続地球の集まりへ、 今後の活動へのサポートをいただけたら嬉しいです。冨田貴史さん の費用の理念についてはここ
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Peace making activism in Japan after Nuclear Disaster
~ Social innovation through craftsmanship: Nuclear power plants, war, health recuperation, and healing ~
Join Takafumi Tomita, a long term anti-nuclear, peace, and environmental activist, as he shares his activism experience in post-Fukushima Japan.
He hopes to share his perspectives from his experiences on his political actions, activities to protect children from radiation, and practices of revitalizing traditional food to protect and strengthen mind and body, and to exchange ideas in current forms of actions for “social innovation and craftsmanship” that inherits the spirit of Ghandian Charkha movement.
His talk includes varieties of his approach in peace-making activism such as
• health recuperation camps,
• food as medicine for radiation protection,
• miso-making and plant dyeing as a way to create local resilience and self-sustainability independent of nuclear power plant and war economy,
• farming as a place for nuturing hope from the ground
• community organizing through creating a place for workshop
• creating Earth Day at House of representatives office in Japan to invite politicians to the place making
He hopes to share his perspectives from his experiences on his political actions, activities to protect children from radiation, and practices of revitalizing traditional food to protect and strengthen mind and body, and to exchange ideas in current forms of actions for “social innovation and craftsmanship” that inherits the spirit of Ghandian Charkha movement.
His talk includes varieties of his approach in peace-making activism such as
• health recuperation camps,
• food as medicine for radiation protection,
• miso-making and plant dyeing as a way to create local resilience and self-sustainability independent of nuclear power plant and war economy,
• farming as a place for nuturing hope from the ground
• community organizing through creating a place for workshop
• creating Earth Day at House of representatives office in Japan to invite politicians to the place making
Date: Nov 4 (Sat)
Time: 17:00 ~ 21:00
17:00 ~ 18:30 potluck (optional)
Please bring a dish to share and your own plate/cups/utensils if you wish to join the potluck :D
18:30 ~ 19:00 Opening/Check in
19:00 ~ 21:00 Talk and Dialogue
This event is operated under a gift economy with a suggested donation of $ 5-10 dollars, which will be 100% gifted to the PLACE as our gratitude for hosting the event. Please pay this in advance on the Paypal.
TO PRE-REGISTER: Make a payment through PAYPAL and include a note: "PEACEMAKING" along with your full name and email if different from your paypal account.
As for Taka's time and labor, he wishes to invite you to be part of his on-going activism by supporting him in a way you feel inspired to by free-will participation fee, which may offer at the event.
He currently have his philosophy on gift in Japanese on his website but google translate does an OK job communicating his intention, so please refer to the site to read on his philosophy on activism if you are interested. (we are working on English translation so, hopefully this will come soon). CLICK HERE for the Japanese version.
Takafumi Tomita is a peace and environmental activist, author, and practitioner of Japanese traditional handicrafts, healing and care, fermentation, and calendar. While based in Osaka, Japan, he has travelled all over Japan holding many workshops and events to share his knowledge and passion on topics including natural and plant dyeing, miso making, relationship of our body and mind, and alternative calendars (lunar and 13moon calendar). He practices and shares plant dyeing, miso making and other traditional handicrafts as his core embodiment of peace activism to empower community and build local resilience.
You can see some of his products at here
His website (only in Japanese)
Takafumi Tomita is a peace and environmental activist, author, and practitioner of Japanese traditional handicrafts, healing and care, fermentation, and calendar. While based in Osaka, Japan, he has travelled all over Japan holding many workshops and events to share his knowledge and passion on topics including natural and plant dyeing, miso making, relationship of our body and mind, and alternative calendars (lunar and 13moon calendar). He practices and shares plant dyeing, miso making and other traditional handicrafts as his core embodiment of peace activism to empower community and build local resilience.
You can see some of his products at here
His website (only in Japanese)
Please feel free to share the event with your friends.
I look forward to seeing you at the event.
All the best,