
Monday, April 24, 2017

4.29.2017 WAKE UP! 若者向け一日瞑想会 Day Of Mindfulness


2008 年、ティク・ナット・ハン師は若者のためのマインドフル ネス =「Wake Up 運動」を立ち上げました。ケンブリッジ、ハーバード、オックスフォードなど欧米の大学でツアーを行い、年間 1000 人以上の若者たちがこの運動に参加。

Wake Up! は日本ではまだ始まったばかりのコミュニティです。

Wake Up!って??

Wake Up自体は、単発のイベントではなく、コミュニティであり定期的な「集い」です。


詳細はWake Up DayのFBで。



10:30 集合


10:45 ダルマトーク「座ること」
11:05 座るメディテーション

11:15 ダルマトーク「食べること」
11:35 マインドフル ランチ!

12:30 ダルマトーク「歩くこと」
12:45 歩くメディテーション


13:15 トータルリラクゼーション

14:15 ダルマトーク(Q&Aセッション)

15:30 ダルマシェアリング(グループコンサルティング)

16:30 座る瞑想

16:45 終了→撤収
→ 代々木公園の並木道(NHKホールのあたり)に移動

17:30 フラッシュモブ メディテーション

18:00 終了



◎持ち物 : ①ご自身の分の菜食ランチ。身体と地球に優しい食べ物を推奨♪ ②帽子。日差しがとても強い可能性があります。屋外での活動になりますので、ご持参ください。③芝生の上に座るので、気になる方はマットや座布団、ゴザ等をご持参ください(^^)

What is Wake Up?
→Wake Up is a community for the young who want to pracice mindfulnes in our daily life and started in Europe and the U.S. We meditate together, share our thoughts, and work for creating a hopeful society for all of us. This community is mainly for young practitioners(18-35ish) but anyone can join and enjoy together:)

Monastics from Plum Village
→As mentioned above, Wake Up is not just a one-day event but a community that leads regular gathering. However this event on 4/29 is special because sisters and brothers are coming from Plum Village in France and Thailand, and we'll be able to experience the teaching of mindfulness with them through the day.

Event Schedule

10:30 Meet on the bridge(just next to Meiji-Jingu/Harajuku station)
----->Move to Yoyogi Park

<Yoyogi Park>
10:45 "How to Sit" talk by a sister or a brother, followed by the practice of guided sitting meditation.
(We normally sit for some minutes before other activities to calm down our body and mind. �)

11:15 "How to Eat" talk by a brother or a sister

11:35 Mindful lunch in the park!

12:30 "How to Walk" talk by a brother or sister

12:45 Walking meditation to the hall
(We'll learn the art of enjoying every step in the park and also outside of the park on busy streets!)

<Yoyogi-Hachiman Hall>
13:15 Total Relaxation

14:15 Dharma Talk and Q&A Session

15:30 Dharma Sharing(Group Consulting)

16:30 Sitting Meditation(Today's Review)

16:45 End
----->Move to the Park

<Yoyogi Park>
17:30 flash mob

18:00 end

*Participation Fee
→We appreciate your donation!

*What to bring
→Vegan lunch,
Mat for the sitting meditation on grass (only if you want),
Hat (in case it might be going to be very sunny&hot out side....) Actually, we will practice outside for hours so it would be needed!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave your comments here;)
We're looking forward to seeing you and spending a peaceful moment together with you on 4/29 in Tokyo.

Lotus with us _(())_
Wake Up Japan

DETAILS on the Wake Up Day FB page